Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Goodbye Blue Sky

As I sit here, the radiant blue of the sky from the first warm day in ages recedes into the distance, tumbling below the horizon. AC/DC's "Hells Bells" blares through the speakers beside me, loud enough to deafen the persons that are unaccustomed to music.

Basically, today was one of the best days I have had in a long time.
I haven't the foggiest idea why, but I was just in the best of moods the entire day.

In World Studies, the teacher gave us a work day, so everyone just sat around talking. We all got into a conversation about Disney and mostly everyone was singing, which reignited the flame that is my love for Disney. Well, at least Hercules and Mulan. :]
Jessica and I made plans for this weekend. Veishea, Disney movie marathon, and a picnic... hopefully.
I got to hang with the guys in photography and watch them annoy the crap out of the nerds in the media center. The nerds started stalking them in the halls. It was hilarious!
That other guy and I had the same shirt on. XD
I got to wear my new Converse!
That one dude that I barely know talked to me about music again.
The weather was beautiful, so I sat outside for two hours, playing guitar. I've decided that it would be fun to teach myself how to play. So far, it's been insanely easy. Haha it might just be that I'm a fast learner. :)
Plus I made the decision to name all of my instruments. Drums, guitar, violin, mandolin... however, I have no idea what to name any of them. :/
Ah well.

I ♥ today.

1 comment:

  1. :)

    Last week in HWorld, we decided that Sullivan could use Disney movies to teach us each region! Hercules - Greece/Romans/Whatever, Aladdin - India, Pocahontas - North America/Europe, Anastasia - Russia, Land Before Time - prehistory, etc. And he would sit there and complain about the historical inaccuracy.

    Today was cool.
