Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Erm... Eighth grade crap II.

I don't really know where this one came from... I wrote it in like five minutes during study hall one day. What can I say? I was bored.

-No Name-

The monsters that live beneath my bed
Should be called the monsters inside my head
They cause me to shake and shiver in fear
Try not to tell me that they’ll never be here
They have names, just as all others do
They can hurt, but they can help too
Hate, love, life, death
These ones I speak in a single breath
Loathing, killing, hurting, dying
When these occur I run off crying
Help, care, give, pray
These are the ones that get me through the day
For some people now, all that’s left is a ghost
To remind me of what I have to fear the most
Corruption, greed, selfishness, pain
These are the ones that affect my brain
Running away doesn’t solve everything
Sometimes I just need to bring
Myself back to reality, back to the present
So I can help the world become what it isn’t.


  1. <3 <3 <3 <3 Dear Prudence <3 <3 <3 <3
    see the sunny skies

    i love you!!

  2. Dear Prudence...?

