Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Erm... Eighth grade crap XIII.

Actually, I had no part in writing this. My friend composed it, but I feel the need to post it on here because of its sheer awesomeness. I actually love it.

Mystery Poison

Come in the kitchen
I'll make you a sandwich
I've got my mystery
poison in hand, which
you will taste soon

Throw me that jar
and hand me the knife
you will be in for
the ride of your life
when you taste this

Because it's sticky
and it's tasty
and it's just for you
A mystery poison

Come now, dear
please don't be rude
just take a bite
of this magical food
it's terribly good

Because it's sticky
and it's tasty
and it's just for you
A mystery poison

Oh, come close
now listen, fast
I've got one thing
I need to ask...
do you like peanut butter?

Because it's sticky
and it's tasty
and it's just for you
A mystery poison

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